Along with my new Slimming regime (have lost half a stone in 2 weeks!) I have also decided to try and do a bit more exercise. I deiced I wanted a bike ages ago so that I could cycle to work at the CS on Saturdays.
I have been looking out for one on freecycle, Ebay, free adds etc for ages with no luck.
Gav said he would do up an old / second hand bike for me as he used to work in a bike shop when he was a teenager as his Saturday/part time job.
I can't afford to pay the earth for a lovely new Pink one with a wicker basket, so I have been keeping my eyes wide open for one every where.
Today when I popped into the CS first thing there were 3 bikes at the end of the shop, a child's one & 2 ladies bikes. I really liked one of them so I took a photo on my phone and showed Gav when he came home from work before I started my shift. He said go for it we can fix anything that needs it.
That was lucky as I had already put a sold sticker on it!!
So I worked my shift this afternoon at the CS, I dressed the window & sorted loads of stuff.
Then home time with my new Bike, yippee.
Here it is, what do you think?
It needs a clean and the tires need a good pump up, but apart from that Gav says it good to go.
I am now in love with the wicker bike baskets on Ebay!!
Well that's my news.
Have a lovely weekend.