Saturday, 23 July 2011


Pickles has been home for a week now and Gavin & I have now become nurses!
Which is interesting as I am soo squeemish!

She is doing ok we have good days and bad days, she is living in a puppy cage so she can't escape, its big though we can fit in it with her.

Hopefully normality will return at some point but I think it will be a long journey for her.
Lots of luv
Sophie Xxx

Monday, 11 July 2011

A Little Bit of Therapy

A Couple of weeks ago I went on a long awaited crochet flower evening at my local wool shop.
Although I have taught myself to crochet, I really did want to have a lesson as I learn a lot better by watching someone else do it. I have to say that Vanessa from Coco Rose Diaries who is an amazing crocheter has truly inspired me.
I had a great evening, it was just after Pickle had gone into the animal hospital & I really needed a bit of me time.I managed to get booked on the course a couple of months ago, so Gav said I really must go and enjoy myself for an evening.
It was great fun, the wool bar is a tiny little shop run by a lovely lady called Caroline, with a big pine table taking up most of the space. I have often walked past and seen gaggles of ladies drinking coffee and knitting in there.

The course was run by a lovely lady who used to be a school art teacher, she was very good.
We were given a pattern of the flower we were to make. A whole rainbow of beautiful yarn had been laid out on the table, we were told to chose our first colour. I chose a deep purple. We then went through the stitch code, which was great as I always forget what they mean!
I took photos of my flower in progress so instead of me explaining what we did here you are.

My finished Flowers

We also got to make a free style flower, starting with a magic ring!
I am now feeling a lot more confident about my crochet, & I'm finding reading the patterns a lot easier too.
Here are a few photos of the Beautiful Wool Bar, if your ever in Worthing do pop along for a visit.

Have a wonderful week.

Saturday, 9 July 2011


Finally I have the energy and words to write my blog.
My life has been somewhat taken over with work and visits to the vets everyday.
Pickles is still with us and has had an operation to remover her tail and put a catheter in to drain her bladder to help it heal.She is holding in there and the vets are being wonderful and positive.

 Having never had pets before the kittens (& having no children yet) I have never felt this way before. I seem to be up and down like a yoyo. I think I am starting to feel a bit more normal!
Hopefully I will be back to blogging properly too.